Monday, April 21, 2014

Addendum for Preston Hollow Rules and Regulations ACC Guidelines

Addendum for Preston Hollow Rules and Regulations ACC Guidelines Failure to Maintain according to the 720 laws of the State of Florida

Failure to maintain violations will receive up to two (2) letters on a violation with the specific violation noted and giving a reasonable time frame for correction. These letters will not be adversarial as per the procedure for the notification of a violation.

Following the 720 law, a third letter will inform the property owner of the intent to place a fine against the property if the specific violation is not corrected in fourteen (14) days. The fine will be in the amount of $50.00 a day for a total of twenty (20) days or a total of $1000.00. Upon reaching this amount, with no correction of the violation, a lien will be placed against the property. The 720 law allows for this action to be placed on both the owner of the property and a tenant, if the property is not occupied by the owner

This letter will be mailed regular mail, to the owner, the tenant, and a copy hand delivered to the property.
The letter must state that the owner may request a hearing. The Committee for this hearing will be appointed by the BOD, consisting of three (3) members of the HOA, who are not Board members or members of any committee, a relative of any Board member or committee member. The decision of this appointed committee will hear the situation presented by the property owner. The decision of this committee is final.

If the violation is still not corrected following the full twenty (20) days, the matter will also be turned over to the HOA attorney for follow up and legal action. This action can be sited in the third letter as the probable outcome with further failure to correct the violation.

Once the fine becomes ninety (90) days past due, the voting rights of the member will be suspended. All other dues will be owed at the time of the due date for annual dues. These actions do not eliminate the responsibility of the property owner to pay annual dues.

Passed: April 8, 2014 Preston Hollow Home Owners Association, Board of Directors.

_____________________________ _____________________________
President Secretary

_____________________________ ______________________________
VP Outside Affairs VP Member at Large

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