Friday, December 27, 2013

Crime Watch Update inside Preston Hollow

On Tuesday 12/24/13 a house in the 300 Block of Hollow Oak Court was reported to have been burglarized. The burglary may have occurred between 12/18/13 and 12/24/13. The Sheriff's Office was notified and a report filed. Report #2013-41300 is still an open investigation. Carlos Manrique of the Preston Hollow Neighborhood Crime Watch alerted this blog and the PHHOA Board of this incident. We will keep you apprised if any updates on this incident become available.

1 comment:

william said...

Thanks to all for reporting this. Bill and I were out of town. Bill attneded a meeting with the Sheriff's department the day before we left. Crime in our area is in general down, including breaking into homes. The most common site of entry to homes is an unlocked back door. If you do not have an alarm system it is adviseable to leave lights, a TV or radio on a timer switch so that the home appears to be occupied. Also alerting the friends around you to keep an eye on your dwelling.