Media Release
August 25, 2009
Current Status of H1N1 (Swine) Flu in Hernando County
Elizabeth A. Callaghan, M.S.,L.D.
Hernando County Health Department
(352) 540-6814 Fax (352) 754-4088
Hernando County H1N1 (Swine) Flu Update
Current Status
· H1N1 influenza is still occurring in Hernando County
· Currently, all influenza-like illness that occurs is likely to be H1N1
· Hernando County Health Department continues to monitor the situation
· No deaths reported in Hernando County due to H1N1 this past week
· Anti-viral medicine (Tamiflu) is available and in ample supply
o Test only individuals who may be part of an outbreak or are hospitalized
o Treat only symptomatic patients who are hospitalized and/or have high risk medical conditions
o Treat only close contacts with high risk medical conditions or in closed setting (jails, nursing homes, etc)
o Preventative treatment is not generally recommended
· To prevent transmission of H1N1 flu to other persons, public health recommends people with flu-like illness remain at home until at least 24 hours after they are free of fever (100°F or 37.8° C), without the use of fever-reducing medications. This recommendation applies to schools, businesses, mass gatherings and other community settings where the majority of people are not at high risk for influenza complications.
· For health care settings, public health recommends that people with influenza-like illness remain home for 7 days from symptom onset or until the resolution of symptoms, whichever is longer
Mass Vaccination Planning
· H1N1 vaccine is expected to begin arriving in mid October
· Hernando County Health Department is planning mass vaccination clinics with our community partners in health, education, emergency services, childcare and healthcare
· Vaccinations will target specific populations at highest risk for complications from the flu
· The Hernando County Health Department is working closely with community and partnering agencies to develop strategies and implement this mass vaccination campaign
· If you are interested in partnering to give H1N1 vaccination, contact the Hernando County Health Department: 352-540-6855.
Updated Guidance
Several new guidance documents were released this week for businesses and higher education. Here are some important points:
Businesses and Employers:
· Assess your essential business functions to determine at what threshold of absenteeism those functions would be threatened.
· If flu activity in our community increases, consider alternative work environments for employees at higher risk for complications (pregnant women and others with certain medical conditions)
· Workers with flu-like illness need to stay home and not come to work until at least 24 hours after their fever has resolved
· Be ready to institute flexible work and leave policies for sick workers, those who stay home to care for ill family members, and those who must stay home to watch their children if dismissed from school
· Encourage hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes . Routinely clean commonly touched surfaces
· Consider increasing workplace social distancing like moving work station farther apart, separating groups of workers and not holding face-to-face meetings, etc.
· The entire guidance:
Public and Private Schools (Elementary, Middle, High and Community College):
· Strategies for current flu conditions:
o People with flu-like illness should stay away from classes and limit interactions with other people (“self-isolation”), except to seek medical care, for at least 24 hours after they no longer have a fever without the use of fever-reducing medicines.
o Review policies for student absences and faculty and staff sick leave. Consider altering policies that make it difficult to stay home when ill or to care for an ill family member.
o If close contact with others cannot be avoided, the ill student should be asked to wear a surgical mask during the period of contact.
o Encourage hand washing and covering coughs and sneezes. Routinely clean commonly touched surfaces.
· Strategies for increased flu severity:
o Permit high-risk students, faculty, and staff to stay home when flu is spreading in the community
o Increase social distancing
o Extend the self-isolation period to least 7 days after the onset of their symptoms, even if they have no more symptoms
The entire guidance:
For more information on H1N1 visit: OR call the Department of Health H1N1 information line (877-352-3581)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Current Status of H1N1 (Swine) Flu in Hernando County
10:49 AM
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