Friday, February 27, 2009

Preston Hollow Homeowners’ Association- Driveway Paver Update

Preston Hollow Homeowners’ Association- Driveway Paver Update

At our January 2009 Board of Directors’ meeting new property owners presented their request to have driveway pavers installed for their new driveway.

The Board fully discussed and assessed their application. After reviewing our deed restrictions, the Board turned down their request to use the pavers. This decision by the Board was made as part of an on-going effort to protect the best interests of all homeowners by enforcing our deed restrictions in a fair and consistent manner. The majority of the homeowners in attendance indicated their support with this decision.

The Homeowners’ Association subsequently received notification from the property owner’s attorney stating their intention to proceed with a lawsuit against Preston Hollow.

Chapter 720, Florida Statutes, provides for non-binding pre-suit mediation to minimize costs and court time, endeavoring to find common ground and resolve a dispute such as this one. The Board conferred with our legal counsel and we agreed to proceed with the pre-suit mediation step. The mediation is scheduled to be heard in Brooksville on March 3, 2009 at 1:30 p.m. Attendees representing our association will be the Board of Directors and our counsel, Bruce Snow, PA. There are costs and legal fees associated with the pre-suit mediation; however it is premature to speculate on the total cost or eventual outcome.

Since the last board meeting, the Board has received a few telephone calls and a number of letters from homeowners expressing their individual opinions, both supportive of the Boards’ decision to enforce the deed restrictions and not. Homeowners are encouraged to contact Board members so that their opinions regarding this issue can be shared.


Trapper John said...

In communities with deed restrictions, there will always be conflicts of interest between individual Home owners and those in power to enforce, maintain and preserve the interest of the majority of Home owners.
If properly done and in good consciousness, the intent of those in power is to keep values of homes and the general atmosphere of the neighborhood in an appealing neat fashion as to entice most outsiders
To want to live there.
When conflicts occur between individual home owners and governing boards occur over the need or want to change a deed restriction .,resolutions or solutions can be an emotional roller coaster .The cost To both parties for legal fees etc. may cause unnecessary financial burdens. Not regarding the negative Impact on the community as a whole. To change or modify existing deed restrictions that may be outmoded ,unclear or unnecessary the Infamous 90% rule must occur.
Since I have been and for many others who have been here much longer, the 90% syndrome has echoed With no resolve. We keep hearing that broken record approach from leadership, that we send letters
Or post signs for the community to attend meetings so that their input or vote may resolve significant issues. Yet only a few members do attend. Therefore important decisions are in the hands of a few in power. Whatever approach that has been attempted by leadership to reach out to the community in the past,
It has not worked:
Its time to try a different approach. Maybe a more personal approach could unify Preston Hollow When problems arise. I suggest that since we have five board members, that they begin to meet the community that they Represent, by knocking on doors, shaking hands and stand eye to eye with the community in order To resolve problems and concerns. Get to know the people.

By all means let’s sit down and design One This may help to get a feel for homeowners concerns or Votes that could reach that 90% .If what has been tried in the past is not working, its time too try a different approach.
Any new or other innovative ideas are welcomed

Concerned Citizens said...

Please keep all comments constructive in nature this site is to keep the Homeowners of Preston Hollow informed.