Monday, April 30, 2012

Republic Services to Stop Service on Delinquent Accounts

Republic Services will Stop Service on Delinquent Accounts Starting May 1st

Republic Services, Inc., has advised Hernando County that in an effort to collect for services rendered, they will be discontinuing trash collection service on delinquent accounts starting Tuesday, May 1, 2012. The company will be placing stickers on the refuse containers at the curb of residents whose accounts are currently past due.

These stickers will include Republic Services phone number which will allow the residents to pay their bill over the phone. If the resident has never received a bill and would like to continue service, they may also call and set up billing at that time.

As a reminder, solid waste collection service is not provided nor paid for through the County’s taxes. The collection service portion of solid waste is provided for a fee by Republic Services which is the only provider of residential service in Hernando County. If the resident paid a service fee to a different company for services after January 2, 2012, then the resident should contact that company for a refund.

Residential garbage collection will run its normal schedule on Memorial Day – Monday, May 28, 2012.

For additional information, contact Republic Services, Inc. at (800) 282-9820 or to pay your bill by phone, call (877) 692 9729.

"The Florida Blueberry Festival"

The Blueberry Festival - May 4, 5, 6, 2012.

The 2012 Florida Blueberry Festival Committee has been hard at work for the last 18 months coordinating the fifteen Florida Counties that make up the central growing region of blueberry production; these counties will be represented at the Florida Blueberry Festival as partners of this first annual event. The committee has received over $200,000.00 from sponsor partnerships, in-kind donors, founding memberships and pledges to date. The Festival Committee is proud to announce its affiliation with the Florida Blueberry Growers Association, Fresh from Florida and its Partners.

The Friday Night Parade will feature 130 floats with representation from the 15 counties located in the central blueberry growing region of Florida. Our attendees will not only be dazzled by the floats but entertained by the marching bands, the drill teams and for those who want to party until the blueberries bloom the evening will conclude in the City Park with a Blueberry Wine stomping contest, live music, light fare and a bushel basket full of fun.

The 3 day Festival Venue will be held under the shade of the iconic twisted oak trees gracing the lawn of the Courthouse on Brooksville's square. Festival attendees can stroll at their leisure indulging in festival fare, gourmet delights and fresh Florida blueberries; they can refresh themselves with a variety of assorted beverages and partake of the unique offering in the Blueberry Wine and Cheese booth.

And don't forget about the Festivals signature Blueberry Shortcakes!

Artisans from all over Florida and the Southeastern states will exhibit their original works of art for viewing and purchase. Musical performances including headliner entertainment will appeal to people of all ages.
From parades to a blueberry stomp, from jewelry to blueberry preserves, crafters will present their wares under the Florida Sky at the Blueberry Festival. The hundreds of Festival volunteers have dedicated themselves to making this a event exciting for all that attend. These many volunteers will be working to ensure you, your families or your guests to three fun filled days at the Florida Blueberry Festival.

Monday, April 23, 2012

April Newsletter 2012 – Preston Hollow HOA


Preston Hollow Homeowners met Monday, April 16, 2012 at the Home of Bill & Judy Thompson, who served appetizers and desserts prior to the meeting at 7:00 p.m. This is a Recap of that meeting, and more.

Lisa Groeneveld introduced Guest Speaker Ron Korycki who gave a lively and most informative talk on “Florida Friendly Landscaping” followed by questions/answers from the group of 22 members. He discussed different Florida grasses and plants that might be used especially during the lack of rainfall and restrictions on watering in Hernando County.  Persons interested in more information on this topic were referred to the Website “FL”.  John also offered to meet with the ACC to incorporate the Florida Friendly wording to the ACC Guidelines

Your Board and Committee members have been busy with several projects on your behalf.  At the Annual Meeting in November 2011, a Motion was made to publish a new PH HOA Directory of names, addresses, e-mails and telephone numbers.  The last Directory was published in 2007.

Judy Thompson and her Committee began collecting data, with telephone calls, a form passed out at meetings requesting updates from the Community; even walking door to door throughout the Community.  The cost of printing the Directory is $410 for 125 copies.  Business cards at $25 each to advertise on the covers of the Directory have been collected -- $325 to date with more to come by the 1st of May. If you know of a business that might have interest in advertising, please notify Judy Thompson at 352-544-0352 in order to defray the expense and not to dip into the HOA Treasury. Hernando Litho Printing is a local vendor and Tyrone Ricks, employee, has offered the labor free of charge. The Board voted to expend no more from the PH HOA Treasury than $125 to complete this project by the May deadline.
Preston Hollow is a beautiful, serene, grass and tree-lined Community.  Some years ago an Article was published naming it “Hernando County’s Best Kept Secret”.  Neighbors wave, look out for one another, and despite the lack of rainfall, some flowering plants, roses and green lawns are in evidence throughout the Community. In March a Community-wide Yard Sale was held and several persons participated and passed on their “treasures” to others.

Joe Deller, Treasurer, at the April meeting reported 93 of 98 homeowners paid their 2012 Association Dues.  It is Joe’s goal to reduce the Dues for next year and beyond, if possible.
Joe has also taken on the role of Board Liaison to the ACC Committee.
Joe and John Cucinella met with the Lawn Service Company to clarify the Contract and as a result, negotiated a reduction in the monthly cost from $965 to $800. 

John Cucinella is acting in the role of PH HOA President as that office remains vacant. He reported the retention areas (DRAs) will be mowed only monthly.  He observed the sprinklers on those areas are in dire need of repair and costly to replace at $12 -15 each.  At least 28 sprinkler heads need to be replaced, an ongoing expense to the HOA.

Two volunteers were accepted to assist with the Committee functions of the Board and the ACC Committee.  Monika Brennan volunteered to type the Updated ACC Guidelines when they are completed and Elaine Naser volunteered to be on the ACC Committee.  Joe Deller, as Board Liaison to the ACC Committee, will meet with the Committee to determine if another member is needed.  

Bill Thompson, Chair of the Crime Watch Committee, read part of a Memo from the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office on Crime Watch matters.  Bill has called a meeting of his Block Captains to meet Wed., April 18 at his Home. Your volunteer Board and Committee members exert a good deal of their time and energy to maintain the beauty and appearance of Preston Hollow and to ensure its neighbors a safe and crime-free haven.  Most of the Board members are employed full or part time and manage other businesses, as well. 

Alan Setelius, Preston Hollow Web Manager, has served in one capacity or another on behalf of Preston Hollow for many years.  He posts all of the activities of the PH HOA, as well as informing the members of the activities of Hernando County, including criminal postings.
The Preston Hollow Web site is:

At the last meeting some homeowners expressed interest in having a Community picnic or event in the fall of this year.  Please contact Sharon Ricks at 352-544-0065 with your comments on this topic. Your Board wished to convey to the Community some of the ways in which we volunteer our time and why we do so.  We hope you have a better understanding and we welcome any comments you may have in order to make Preston Hollow an even better Community. 

Please try to make time to attend an hour or so meeting at the Home of Judy and Bill Thompson at 362 Forest Wood Ct. (July 17, 2012 at 6:30 for “nibbles” and 7:00 p.m. Meeting) -- and get to know your neighbors and perhaps make some new friends while doing so.
By the way, this Newsletter is being mailed to all homeowners with the caveat that in the future all correspondence from the Board of Preston Hollow will only be sent to individuals by electronic mail; so be sure to get your e–mail address to anyone on the Board if you have not already done so. The Newsletter, which we plan to issue quarterly, will be posted to the Website, as well.

The goal of the Board is to realize a reduction in the HOA assessments next year and beyond.  One way is to eliminate postage (at $.48/stamp) for 98 homeowners.

The Board welcomes your comments.
Sharon Ricks

I am posting this again because I think that this is a very important issue and something that has been in the news a lot lately here in Florida. Everyone has the right to protect their home and property but not to endanger others. Please remember Do Not Take The Law Into Your Own Hands. The Hernando County Sheriff's Office lists this information about the duties of people serving in a Crime Watch capacity.

 What is Neighborhood Watch?

Neighborhood Watch is simply "neighbor looking after neighbor."  You watch out for your neighbors' homes while they are gone and they in return do the same for you.  All suspicious activity is immediately reported to the Sheriff's Office

Neighborhood Crime Watch is Free

All too often, residents think it costs something to belong to the program.  It doesn't cost a dime - just a little bit of your time.  Any money collected from donations should be carefully accounted for and deposited in an account under the name of your Neighborhood Watch Program.

Neighborhood Watch Program

Neighborhood Watch Programs have become a highly successful crime prevention technique in the reduction of crime in many communities throughout the U.S.  The major goal in the organization of the Neighborhood Watch is to change the ATTITUDES of the community members from apathy to concern and involvement.  Next, invite the Sheriff's Office Community Coordinator to your first community meeting in order to establish leadership and guidance.  The first phase in the setup of your program will be to establish a communication system in order for community members to communicate with each other, as well as law enforcement.  Remember law enforcement and the community will be working together more closely in order to maintain the success of the program.

The second phase is home security.  Your Community Coordinator will assist you and the residents of your community with up to date information on "making your home safer."

It is important to remember, Neighborhood Watch signs DO NOT prevent crime.  Signs and decals act only as a notice to the potential criminal that "if you commit a crime in our neighborhood, the chances of being seen, reported and arrested are very good."

As your Community Coordinator how you can earn signs for your neighborhood.


Patrolling the neighborhood in your personal vehicle is NOT  a requirement to be recognized as a Neighborhood Watch area.  Should your neighbors wish to start a patrol, then the Sheriff's Office Community Coordinator will discuss proper procedure and training in order to be officially recognized.  Neighborhood Watch is getting people involved in crime prevention, making the homes in your community less of a target and being good neighbors to one another.

Friday, April 20, 2012

United Communities of Hernando County will be meeting on the fourth Monday of this month 4/23/12. The United Communities of Hernando County meetings are held at the Silverthorn Community Center located at 4400 Mallard Lake Drive, Spring Hill, FL 34609 at 7:00 PM. The Guest Speaker for the meeting will our own Congressman Richard Nugent. He will be giving a presentation and after there will be a question and answer period. UCHC's meetings are open to the public!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

2012 Hurricane and Safety Expo Coming

2012 Hurricane and Safety Expo Coming

Click on the link below to view the Sheriff's Office media release about the upcoming Hurricane and Safety Expo:

2012Hurricane expo.pdf
20 North Main Street -Brooksville, Florida 34601

Be Aware of Drought/Wildfire Conditions

Be Aware of Wildfire Hazards

April 16th-20th is Wildfire Awareness Week across the State of Florida. The Florida Division of Forestry together with Hernando County Fire Rescue want our residents and visitors to know that the wildfire threat within the county is currently very high, and we are approaching a severe drought status. Although there is currently no burn ban in effect in Hernando County, residents should be familiar with the outdoor burning laws, available on the Florida Forest Service Web site at and become familiar with the Ready, Set, Go Program by visiting

All residents, but particularly those who live in high-risk wildfire areas, should take precautions to prevent fires and be prepared to respond to emergency officials' instructions in the event of a wildfire.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Preston Hollow HOA Board Meeting Agenda

I.          Call to Order – Acting Chair John Cucinella  7:00 p.m.
II.          Reading and Approval of Minutes – Sharon Ricks, Secretary
III.         Lisa to Introduce John Korycki, who will do a presentation on FL Friendly Landscaping”
IV.        Reports of Officers:
            A. Acting Chair/Internal Vice President, John Cucinella

            B.  External Vice President, Lisa Groeneveld

            C.  Member at Large, Judy Thompson

            D.  Treasurer, Joe Deller

            E.  Secretary, Sharon Ricks

V.        Reports of Committees:
                        A.  Architectural Control ,Ron Silinsky (Acting Chairman)
                        B.  Crime Watch, Bill Thompson, Chairman
VI.        Unfinished Business:  1 ) ACC Design Guidelines, Lisa Groeneveld, Others.     
2) Community Picnic/Block Party, All.
3) Removal of Crepe Myrtles alongside Preston Hollow Drive, All
VII.       New  Business1) Nominations from floor, Open Position of President PH HOA.
                        2)  Nominations/Appointment by Board of ACC Chairman.
3)  Appoint Committee to Review/Incorporate FL Statutes governing  ACC    Guidelines(One Board member, ACC Committee)


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Suspicious Vehicle Observed in Preston Hollow

This afternoon around 1:30-2:00 pm two Preston Hollow Homeowners' observed a small silver vehicle like a Honda or Hyundai driving back and forth three times in the cul-de-sac in front of their home at 329 Forest Wood Ct. The driver would approach from the South then slow down in front of our house. We walked out front to the sidewalk to get a tag number, but the vehicle quickly sped away each time. The vehicle's windows were tinted so we could not identify the driver…there did not appear to be a passenger in the car.  One of the homeowners' drove around the neighborhood right after these observations but did not see the vehicle anymore.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Preston Hollow HOA Board Meeting date change

The Preston Hollow HOA Board Meeting date has been changed from Tuesday, April 17th to Monday, April 16th at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be at Bill and Judy Thompson's house located at 362 Forest Wood Court. Appetizers and desserts will be served at 6:30 PM at the informal get to know your neighbor session before the meeting. The Board will post the usual notice 48 hours in advance of the meeting up at the front entrance of our community. Hope to see everyone there!!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

A free class, "Getting Rid of Lawn Insects,"

HORTICULTURE CLASS: A free class, "Getting Rid of Lawn Insects," will be presented at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Spring Hill Branch/Harold G. Zopp Memorial Library, 9220 Spring Hill Drive, Spring Hill.
The program will be presented by urban horticulture agent Jim Moll of the Hernando County Cooperative Extension Service. Participants will learn how to identify and control bugs in their lawns.No registration is required, but seating is limited. For information, call (352) 754-4433.

Opportunity 2012 Career Fair

Opportunity 2012 Career Fair

If you are unemployed, looking for a career change or are simply tired of commuting, make plans to attend the Hernando County Career Fair “Opportunity 2012”, hosted by Hernando Today in partnership with the Greater Hernando County Chamber of Commerce, Career Central, Office of Business Development and Pasco Hernando Community College (PHCC).

This exciting two-day event will feature an educational evening on April 11th from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the PHCC Spring Hill Campus, 450 Beverly Court. The evening features keynote speaker, Lee Savage, author AIM for Jobs - Your Complete Job Search Plan as well as seminars on Resume Tune Up, Interview Skills, and more.

The Career Fair portion of the event will be held on Thursday, April 12th from 2:00 – 6:30 where job seekers can meet with more than 20 local firms with current job openings in fields such as healthcare, manufacturing, and retail. Job seekers are encouraged to bring resumes and dress for success!

Registration is required to attend. To save time, please visit: or plan to register the day of the event.

Thanks to our sponsors: Brooksville and Spring Hill Regional Hospitals, Tracers, Spherion, HealthSouth, Hodges University, WXJB 99.9 News & Talk, American Health Institute and St. Leo University.

For more information about the event, please contact:
• Hernando County Office of Business Development at 352-540-6400

FYI - Regarding Crime Watch Activity Near Preston Hollow

Vehicle Break-In/Theft BURGLARY-CONVEYANCE 2012-11508 10400 BLOCK OF QUALITY DR Hernando County Sheriff 4/3/2012 6:35:00 PM Map It
Assault DOMESTIC BATTERY 2012-11507 1300 BLOCK OF BARRANCA AVE Hernando County Sheriff 4/3/2012 6:33:00 PM Map It

The Hernando County Fair is from 4/6/12 thru 4/14/12

The Hernando County Fair and Youth Livestock Show opens today for a nine-day run 4/6/12 thru 4/14/12.
This year's entertainment lineup includes a Miss and Mrs. beauty pageants at noon Saturday, tractor and truck pulls at 6 p.m. Saturday and a demolition derby at 7 p.m. April 14. Performing daily with new acts will be No Joe's Clown Circus.

The entertainment tent will host escape artist Michael Griffin at 7 p.m. Friday, 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. Saturday, 7 p.m. Sunday and Monday, and 8 p.m. Tuesday. Appearing for the first time in Hernando County, Griffin will challenge visitors to come up with escape scenarios for him to attempt. But there will be plenty of music, too. The musicians, many local, will perform from 2 to 9 p.m. most days at the entertainment tent.