Monday, March 25, 2013


March 24, 2013

The heavy downpour today should help the lawns and plants green up and blossom.  At times the wind was fierce! At the last meeting of the HOA held in January, the topic of how to better communicate within the Preston Hollow community was raised, especially if an emergency should arise.  To that end Al Walker III will report on his findings of Reverse 911 at the April meeting.  It is a timely subject as several incidents have been reported to the Sheriff’s department within the past two weeks.  The vehicle doughnut markings at the entrance of Preston Hollow shredded the grass and knocked down the County sign.  The latest incident involved the burning of an American Flag on top of the wall at the entrance of the Community. 

A sheriff’s deputy responded quickly and investigated those incidents.  Each resident needs to be aware of what is happening in the Community and to notify the authorities when a suspicious activity or crime is noted.  The Non-Emergency Sheriff’s Office number is:  352-754 -6830. It is important that a call be placed to this number immediately after any suspicious activity is noted.  Also be on the lookout for your neighbors’ homes when they are away and be aware of any vehicles not usually seen in the neighborhood.

Yard Sales in Preston Hollow were discussed at the last meeting and the Board voted to endorse two Community-wide Yard Sales for 2013.  Mark your calendars for May 18 and October 19 from 9 AM2 PM.  It should be noted the County trumps the HOA restrictions as it permits four (4) per year. No signs, however, may be placed on any lawns as that is a violation of the Deed Restrictions.  The Secretary will place a notice in the Tampa Bay Times the week of the Yard Sales.

The next meeting of the PH HOA is Tuesday April 23 at 7 pm at the NAMI Headquarters, The Beautiful Mind Center.  Come out and visit with your friends and neighbors.  You might actually enjoy it! The Board also hopes you have a Great Passover or a HAPPY EASTER!
Sharon Ricks
Secretary, PHHOA

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hernando County Fair April 5 thru April 13

Friday, April 05, 2013 - Saturday, April 13, 2013
 HERNANDO COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS, 6436 Broad Street (US-41), Brooksville. The Hernando County Fair will be in full swing with expos, car shows, live entertainment, rides, and games. For more details and the full schedule as it becomes available, visit

Friday, March 22, 2013

A Message from our HOA Board President Sammy Cash

Dear Preston Hollow Home Owners,

Spring is here again already. For those who are planning to work on your yards, lawn, or even paint your home, please review your guidelines to avoid any potential violations. We encourage all home owners to use this time during cool weather to make any improvement you may have put off.

Keep in mind, over grown hedges (over 6ft tall) should not be ignored either because that is a violation HOA Deed Restrictions. If you need assistance with lawn care, plants & mulches, painting, tree trims & removal, and even window cleanings, you may find those products and services on your directory cover pages.

Last day of school before Spring Break is 3/22/13, students will enjoy over 1 week off from school so you will experience children playing, walking and biking throughout our neighborhood. Please give them some courtesy and be careful when out driving.

We are also would like to ask you to be vigilant. Recently, we found illegal couch dumping at the barricade on Sunset Blvd (corner of Sunset and Forest Wood Ct). On that same day, it appeared a driver made a doughnut at the entrance causing damaged grass, sprinkler heads and knocked down sign. We reported to the authority and couch was picked up by the county.

So please be on the lookout for any suspicious vehicles. We are blessed, John who rushed to work on the damaged grass and sprinkler by midday. We also want to thank John, Jesse, Tyrone, Joe Deller, Ken, Sal and others who be particularly contributing to fixing sprinkler heads where needed, especially along Preston Hollow and spread mulches on crape myrtles from December of last year to now.

Happy Easter! Kids enjoy spring break!

Spring Break Special at Animal Services

Spring Break Special at Animal Services
It’s Spring Break at Animal Services! Forget the beach. Forget the theme parks. Come in and find your new best friend during the week of March 26-30 and pick out an egg from the prize basket. You could win a gift card or even a FREE ADOPTION!

Animal Services has many loveable dogs and cats in need of homes. Adopt one of them next week and win a bonus prize!  The Animal Services facility is located behind the Hernando County Fairgounds at 19450 Oliver Street, and is open Tuesday – Friday, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am to 3 pm.

For more information, call (352) 796-5062 or visit the website at