Notice of the PHHOA Quarterly Meeting is set for
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at 7:00 PM at the NAMI Headquarters located in the Beautiful Mind
Center at 10554 Spring Hill Drive. Turn left into the 1 Brothers Plaza &
park. You will notice a flag sign for a Barber Shop at the
entrance.Topics for discussion will include the Preston Hollow HOA Revised
ACC Design Guidelines; interest in supporting a Fall PH Community-wide Yard
Sale; Discussion/Approval of a PHHOA Bulletin Board; Open Nominations for
Vacant Board Seat.
The PHHOA Board was advised by an attorney not to continue the practice of having meetings in Board members' homes. Therefore, after searching for sites nearby, and defining costs, the Beautiful Mind Center was scheduled for a fee of $50. Please contact any of the Board members if you have questions. It is our hope to see all of the Preston Hollow Homeowners present at this Meeting.