Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Preston Hollow Homeowner performing a good deed!

The Preston Hollow Board of Directors would like to thank Mrs. Atkinson for doing a very good deed. She is a very dedicated Preston Hollow Homeowner who walks the neighborhood picking up trash in our right of ways. Thanks to Carlos Manrique for alerting the Board about this persons good deed.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

FYI - Aggresive Coyote In Preston Hollow

The last three nights while walking my dog at night I have seen a medium sized coyote near the front of Preston Hollow by Forest Wood Court. Wednesday night while walking my dog around 11:00 P.M I saw the coyote again but this time it followed me halfway down Forest Wood Court. I have seen coyotes in here before but this was the first time one ever followed me, usually they see a person and takeoff. Please be careful with your pets at night and remember they may look like a dog but are wild animals.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Preston Hollow Homeowners Association News

Twenty-two people attended the January 17, 2012 Meeting of the Preston Hollow HOA for a Meet ‘N Greet with desserts at 6:30 p.m., followed by the Meeting Called to Order at 7:00 p.m.

New Board members John Cucinella, External Affairs VP, Lisa Groeneveld, Internal Affairs VP, and Joe Deller, Treasurer were introduced by Chairperson Sharon Ricks, Secretary.  Also present were the ACC Coordinator Ellis Tenenbaum, Bill Thompson Crimewatch, and Judy Thompson, Member at Large. 

Recognition for past service and a gift for each were presented to former Board members Kurt Naser, President; Margaret Greco, Treasurer; and Al Walker, Jr., VP Internal Affairs.

Treasurer Joe Deller has received a quotation for E & O Coverage for the Board .  He reported on the transition of the   PH HOA Checking Account with Joe and Sharon listed as signatories. Letters for annual dues were mailed and to date just under 50% .

John Cucinella announced the watering times for the PH common grounds are Tuesdays and Fridays beginning at 12 a.m. and 4 p.m. A Springtime “freshen up” of the PH entrance discussion was initiated and John asked for volunteers to provide plants and flowers to enhance our Community. He welcomes your ideas.

VP Lisa Groeneveld spoke with John Bloom from United Communities of Hernando County.  He put Lisa on his mail list to receive meeting notices from him.   He also stated should anyone else want to receive one, he will add them to the list as well.  Lisa plans to have Alan post this info on the PHHOA Blog.  She also contacted the Tax Collector’s Office, Emergency Management, and Brenda Frazier with Hernando County Communications via e-mail to notify of changes, as well. 

Member at large, Judy Thompson has obtained the disc for the  PHHOA Directory. She asked to be contacted by those who wish to work on the project after February, when she will have completed another project for a Non-Project. Judy intends to have the HOA  Directory completed within the first quarter of 2012.

ACC Coordinator Ellis Tenenbaum discussed the ACC  Guidelines which were never filed with the county,  and with Board approval, will abide by the Guidelines published in the original document in 1991.  A work is in progress is to bring the Guidelines into conformance by the Florida Statutes.  Some work will need to be done to see why the new guidelines were not filed and even these now need some updating to meet new changes in the county and state laws.

Crime Watch Chairman Bill Thompson introduced the Block Captains: Carlos Manrique, Charles Vidikis, Al Walker, and Tyrone Ricks.  Bill met with Deputy Spooner to coordinate the process of finger printing and background checks, a requirement by the County in order to Certify his team .

John Cucinella discussed the creation of an Emergency Response Team for PHHOA in the event of a disaster. 

Ron Silinsky led a discussion about resuming the Block Party for Preston Hollow. Give your comments/suggestions to anyone on the Board for this upcoming fun event.  No date has been set.

PHHOA Yard Sale set for SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 2012.

Until further Notice, the PHHOA Quarterly Meetings will take place at the Thompson’s, located at 362 Forest Wood Ct., with next Meeting  on April 17, 2012 a ”Meet ‘N Greet” @ 6:30 p.m.  Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.

Sharon Ricks – January 21, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

FYI - United Communities of Hernando County January Meeting

United Communities of Hernando County is having their January General Membership Meeting on Monday the 23rd at seven o'clock. They meet at the Silverthorn Community Center which is located at 4400 Mallard Lake Dr. Spring Hill, Fl. 34609. Their guest speaker will be Hernando County Sheriff Al Nienhuis who give a presentation followed by a question and answer period after the presentation. This will be a very informative meeting and all residents of Hernando County are welcome to attend. 

FYI - Regarding Street Light Repair

I contacted WREC yesterday and informed them that we have two streets lights that needed to be repaired. The first one is again at the corner of Rugby Court and Preston Hollow Dr. The second is at the end of Preston Hollow Dr. in the three hundred section.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

FYI - Crime Watch Information Update

Over the past several days there have been numerous reports of suspicious activity in Preston Hollow. This has ranged from door to door solicitations from an overbearing young man, to suspicious vehicles with young men wandering up and down the street and peering in dark houses.  The Sheriff's office has been called several times and has driven through Preston Hollow to bring a presence to the community and hopefully avert or catch this activity in progress.  Please be vigilant and if you see any suspicious activity report it to the Sheriff's office immediately.  The  non-emergency telephone number for the Sheriff's office is 352-754-6830.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

FYI - Regarding next PHHOA Meeting 1-17-2012

Preston Hollows' next Board of Directors' Meeting is Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 7:00 PM. The Board has added a "Meet your neighbor and share a dessert", to the beginning of the Board Meeting which starts at 6:30 PM. This will allow the homeowners of Preston Hollow to get to know their neighbors better making this an even better community in which to live. The meetings are now being held at Bill and Judy Thompson's House which is located at 362 Forest Wood Ct.

FYI - Regarding Street Light Repair

I reported to WREC early last week that the street light on the corner of Rugby Ct. and Preston Hollow Dr. wasn't working properly. I received a notice today saying they had fixed the problem.